Thursday, September 11, 2008

Digital Learning

As I learn about new and innovative technologies I can be overwhelmed with information about the countless tools out there. I love learning about new technology and how I can use those tools in my own classroom. Reflective learning is a key component. I want students to ask: "How do I learn?" Instead of: "What did I learn?" When individuals take responsibility of their own learning, they acquire resources and tools for discovering new information. In my classroom, I often encourage students to conduct research and to apply project-based learning that applies to real-world situations. The wiki tools, RSS, and other systems can be used by students to enhance learning in this increasingly global economy. Their social networks are expanding beyond their cities and states. Students can communicate almost instantaneously with people thousands of miles away. We learn through our social interactions and networking is one way of expanding that process.

The class presentations were fantastic and I learned about new tools that I have never before known existed. I also enjoyed hearing the background information on the history of the tools.

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